Urban Insights Data Lab

Urban Insights Data Lab work on datamodels and a model for a data collaborative for Urban Development. We know that the request for insights about the urban areas is similar across the public and private sector. In the project we have 6 use-cases proving this and work with 10 municipalities. We use public and private sector data to create datamodels and a business case for a data collaborative.

here to showcase

We are 10 months into the project and already have some intersting results to share. This is use-cases, data sources, and how these are used in a similar way. Unlike many other projects, we work with a lot of public and private sector data sources to meet the demand for insights and how this brings value to both the use-case owners, cities and the data sources.

We would like to meet

Anyone who like to work with data in urban development and especially looking for new data sources. So both cities and companies, but also research organisations with a similar interest.